February Updates

Hello everyone.  I hope you are well in Spirit, Mind and Body.  I am back to teaching Monday Meditations at Santosha Holistic center in Williamsville NY.  Check it out on facebook at


 I also have been guided to pull cards and post on facebook 


from the Mother Mary Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild (artwork by Shiloh Sophia McCloud).  It is a beautiful oracle deck with amazing guidance. I am also drawing Mother Mary into my healings and readings.  I am in such humble amazement and gratitude for the blessings she brings me and to my clients during these readings and healings.

Allow yourself to sit in the quiet for a few moments. Take a few slow deep breaths, releasing your daily stress and worries on the outbreaths. Then imagine the beautiful light blue,loving divine healing energy of the Blessed Mother surround you in her comfort and peace. See the golden glimmers throughout her light blue healing energy. Allow the energy to permeate into every cell, tissue and organ you have.  Just sit in this wonderful blessed energy of the Divine Mother.  Know that she is there for us always...just a thought away.  

Have a wonderful February!


The Answer to the Big Question…


Words to Remember, Always.